Friday, November 15, 2024

CHE update failed on 10.0.41 for step 66 DVT script for service model: MROneBox on the machine


When trying to apply Version Update /Quality update PU65 (10.0.41) to build/Development Environment  it fails at MROneBox step 66.

To resolve the MR Problem, you can use the following workaround:

  1. Navigate to the deployable package directory: K:\DeployablePackages\<PackageGUID>\MROneBox\scripts\update
  2. Locate the AutoRunDVT.ps1 script:phpCopy code<ServiceVolume>:\DeployablePackages\<PackageGUID>\MROneBox\scripts\Update\AutoRunDVT.ps1
  3. Create a backup of the AutoRunDVT.ps1 file.
  4. Open AutoRunDVT.ps1, clear all its contents, and save the file.
  5. Resume the deployment process in Lifecycle Services (LCS).

This solution bypasses the DVT (Developer Validation Test) execution during deployment, allowing the process to complete successfully.